
The New York State Office on Aging recognizes the importance of seniors aging in the comfort of their own community and funds a variety of supportive services in an area referred to as the Albany NNORC.
What is a NNORC?
It’s a Neighborhood Naturally Occurring Retirement Community that has been identified as having a high number of seniors ages 60 and older. As such, an array of supportive services are available to residents in this area.
Where is the Albany NNORC:
NNORC Community Boundary Map
What services are provided?
Services include social work support (case management, home visits, and counseling); healthcare-related assistance (safety assessments and health screenings), wellness and educational programs (yoga, blood pressure awareness and fall prevention) and community engagement events (movies, day trips, cultural outings, and cooking classes).  There is also a dedicated handyman available for hire to do home projects.
Are there fees associated with these services?
Most services are free of charge. Some classes and social outings may have a fee that covers the cost of the event/food.
How can I access these services?
Just call your NNORC office at 514-2023 and speak with one of our dedicated staff members.
Become a NNORC Supporter
We encourage you to become a NNORC supporter (or to renew your membership). NNORC supporters receive discounts on programming, and your contribution reinforces the importance of continuing this vital service in our area. Print and complete the NNORC Supporter 2016 Form and return it with your check to JFS, 877 Madison Avenue, Albany 12208.
If you have questions or a suggestion to strengthen the Albany NNORC, please give us a call: 514-2023.